I see the new discourse appears to be about forcing conversations about race on poc who aren't interested nor owe a conversation and whitesplaining race to them. Cool stuff. Real horseshoe theory shit there from our supposed "woke left."
I'm gonna say it once because my fellow white people don't quite understand. There is an extent you can talk about racial issues, but you will always be limited because it's not your life, your experience. Unless their uncle Tom types like Candace Owen's or jlp
Challenging someone on their perspective of being that race is gonna get you called... A racist. You can empathize, but you cannot talk for. This shouldn't be that difficult, but I know we have a tendency of thinking we can do that.
I always give my perspective as a white man growing up in a poorer, mostly black community, but you will notice I always stop before it comes off as talking for anyone, but myself. Debate bros seriously need to pump the brakes on this shit before thinking reading...
The new jim Crowe means all of a sudden you know more about the black experience than those who have and are living it. If you can't do that, don't be surprised when you're called racist, because you definitely are expressing a form of dominance over...
Over marginalized groups by speaking to on subjects you may be witness to, you may have read about, you may empathize with, but HAVE NOT LIVED YOURSELF. It shouldn't be a hot take to say any of this. Speak for yourself. Speak to what you witnessed and what you were told...
Don't speak for others, because that's not your life, your experience, your gained knowledge. Sigh... I'm gonna mute this thread.
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