Why isn't Trump doing worse in polls? GSS data does show Trump vote driven so overwhelmingly by racism and views on abortion, not by education or income as media hypes - so hard to see him dropping too far. A quick tour on this data. /1
Table is regression model (using SDA software) showing importance of various variables (age, income, education, views on racial inequality, immigrants, abortion) and whether differences based on education, for example, are just standins for differences on abortion. /2
"Beta" column is relative significance of variables in driving vote for Clinton or Trump; column "Probability" shows whether statistical noise (below .05 to be important). Views on race & abortion, age and church attendance are key statistically important variables. /3
No doubt other policy issues drive political divides but key is that education and income per se are not key political divides despite media hyping two-variable comparisons.

Non-racist, pro-choice white people are quite enthusiastic Dems. /4
And against stereotypes, as explored in this column, racism itself seems driven by becoming RICHER. Poorer whites with a high school or college education are actually less racist than richer whites with similar education levels. /5 https://www.dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/poverty-doesnt-make-you-racist
Given winning among older voters WAS a statistically significant demographic factor for Trump, the fact that he seems to be collapsing in support in that group due to the coronavirus fears most significant factor impacting core support. /6 https://twitter.com/nathansnewman/status/1256308259306209282
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