The errors of the Blob have varied in motivation and effect since 1991. The common thread is a breakdown in strategic thinking, an increasing emphasis over time on FP for domestic political signaling and a lack of career consequences
What’s interesting is that some (not all) of the positive moves in this period such as the surge in Iraq (Bush) and the refusal to have a major US ground intervention in Syria (Obama) came from presidents bucking the Blob’s advice
What did the Blob get indisputably right? Warmer US relations with India, massive AIDS help for Africa (though Bush II gets major credit), Plan Colombia, recognizing albeit belatedly the danger of Putin’s little green men revanchist aggression
Good things but not top drawer stuff. Blob defenders would also claim the Iran Deal but that was a mixed bag. Better, even far better, than anything attempted with North Korea to be certain but not the de-nuclearization of weapon building capacity that was touted
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