"Contact Tracing" - mammoth world wide government spy program to track citizens, & an excuse to detain them- send them off to ??? Who will they "suspect" are "exposed"? Dissidents? Trust tests? What kind of quarantine camps?
Virus doesn't justify this response- not even close. https://twitter.com/buske_natalie/status/1259492124426371076
Their MO:

1. Manufacture a situation in which many people are involved (many flooding the border at the same time, many at a concert where a mass shooting occurs, many released from prison, many traced/tracked/forced to quarantine/taken away)

2. Hidden among crowd: true targets
When they released "many" from prisons, was this a Trojan Horse move to release FEW? How many of their friendlies were released in a "random" release? Were these people finished with their work for the State, or are they scheduled for more nefarious actions on behalf of the coup?
They intended to use Contact Tracing to track/spy on our movements and associations, then "in some cases" they may decided to "remove" people from their homes and bring them to "quarantine detainment centers". When they do this to "many", will it be to hide the "few"?
Releasing prisoners, and future instances of detaining "random" groups of people... when I say "few" I mean few targets compared to many people who are a cover/distraction/Trojan Horse, but I don't mean few in number. Likely huge random group to cover large number of true targets
Who are the true targets?
In the future, will one of us be swept up because we have low "social scores"?
Just how much influence and power does China/MB/global/UN/🦉 have?

Arresting domestic traitors will remove much of their control. Looking forward to it.

/end thread/
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