Hercules is going to become a villian at the end of the film like Steve Rogers?
Zeus: A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength but by the strength of his heart.
You sure you want these cunts who made "Steve" into an immoral, cowardly, evil, deserter, to direct this? https://twitter.com/getFANDOM/status/1258824834512871425
#Endgame proves that the russos don't know what it means to be a hero.
To them, they think it's a means to an end.
They think it's ALL about the prizes you get for your good deeds.
After EndTrash, they have NO right directing films about heroes.
They try to justify their
obvious self insert fantasies about bravery by trying to imply that heroes are just like us average folks.
They're wrong.
Heroes are human, but they are NOT average. They're better than the average person. And they're CERTAINLY better than the people who wrote and directed EG.
The average schmuck (like the russos) couldn't care less about all the bad things happening in the world today.
While heroes are out there trying to make the world a better place, since they DO care.
A hero doesn't run from problems/bury their head in the sand.
They take action.
Not because they expect a reward for it but because it's in their blood to help people. That's a true hero.
These assholes will NEVER understand that.
Every film about heroism they get their grubby paws on from now on will be reflective of EG. And it's horrid immoral ending.
The russos have admitted in interviews that they like to destroy because "that's good story telling."
That is the "tactic" of kindergarten story teller. Destruction = creativity.
This film is already ruined.
I can't wait for Meg to be a silent prize with no agency, for Hercules to get at the end of his journey.
I can't wait for Hercules to throw away his morals & lessons he learned.
If they actually incorporate time travel into this already train wreck of a film, I'll die laughing!
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