selena gomez top 15 best songs
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#15 i won't apologize

fetus selena did that, a self written song that deserves more recognition
#14 lose you to love me

her only #1 and a well deserved one. she got us inside her head, a beautiful ballad
#13 ghost of you

emotional song, fetus selena served with this one
#12 love you like a love song

one of her best singles and music videos ever. girl snapped HARD
#11 feel me

the way she payed this masterpiece dust. so glad it's on the deluxe edition
#10 it ain't me

the way we ate this up when it came out, truly a cultural reset
#9 sober

the lyrics and the outro, a true bop
#8 bad liar

considered the best song of 2017 for a reason. she served with this masterpiece and with the music video too
#7 my dilemma

one of her best non singles. a bop
#6 love will remember

her best bridge PERIOD. emotional song, but still danceable
#5 fetish

sitting at #5 comes her best droplet, that deserved so much better. the way locals payed it dust ugh
#4 the heart wants what it wants

her BEST ballad. deserved so much better. great music video, great bridge and so emotional i cry
#3 hands to myself

her best single, and one of her best songs on revival. top 3 for a reason, iconic song
#2 souvenir

lyrically perfect and the production is impeccable. deserves to be a single
and #1 goes to....


emotional, always makes me cry.
expensive production.
the way she dragged the rat.
the best song on revival and her best song EVER
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