Okay, one thing I want to talk about, because I don't think it gets talk about enough, is the problems with bigotry in witchcraft and Pagan circles. Some people portray the Pagan community as this great place. Many of us try to create and maintain spaces that live up to the hype.
But historically (and I'm taking modern history, not ancient history), we've had our problems. Gerald Gardner, who brought Wicca to the public's attention, was anti-gay.
In fact, he forbade people of the same genders from being magical working partners because he feared it would lead them to having sex together.

And many old-school Dianic Wiccans were and are downright TERF-y.
And that's before you get to the point that a lot of the symbolism and practices are swimming in heteronormativity and gender binaries.
In the Norse myths, there are those myths that many queer people find comfort in. I'm mainly thinking of the myth where Thor disguises himself as Freyja in a wedding dress to regain his hammer after it was stolen.
Also, the myth of Loki transforming himself into a mare to lure away the stallion helping the giant to build a wall around Asgard. The stallion impregnates Loki, who then gives birth to Odin's eight-legged steed, Sleipnir.
Like I said, a lot of queer Heathens (the preferred term of many who follow Norse deities) and Pagans find meaning in those myths, but they also have to do with reality that the gods who did these things had to deal with accusations of "ergi," which was seen as a bad thing.
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