#VenusRetrograde May 13 to June 25 ‘ 2020
#Venus, the planet of love and affection, is moving retrograde for the first time in two years.
" #Venusretrogrades less often than any other planet, and yet in the middle of the retrograde, it comes closer to Earth than any other planet ever does , that is why it effects are felt more than usual
Expect Extra Friction in your Love Life

#Astrology #Venus #Planet #Stars #Constellation
Venus will spend six weeks moving backwards in flirty #Gemini. "Since Gemini is one of the free spirits of the zodiac, this retrograde is set to bring the desire for freedom within relationships," That means that there will be more than the usual number of breakups."
Expect Quarantined Couples to be bickering more than usual.Conversely Long Distance Relationships to feel the wrath of the distance followed with Misunderstandings.

#planetVenus #Shukra #Graha
It doesn’t mean you will definitely split up but you will definitely have to work towards it. Work better on your effective communication skills. Patience is the key.
Expect Old Flames to come back into your life, expect messages from your Ex or even Phonecalls.

"We will be overthinking the past, present, and future — but not living in the moment. All matters of #love and #money will feel super intense. We'll be vulnerable to deceit.

#Astrology #VenusRetrograde #love #Relationships #Ex #ExLover
Here's how #Venusretrograde 2020 will affect each #zodiac sign so you know what to expect.

#Aries (March 21 - April 19). - The next couple months aren't the best time to get too deep into your feelings, Aries, as our minds are definitely subject to change come June.
#Aries - That said, there's nothing stopping you from sexting your heart out and having some lighthearted fun with your crushes."It’s time to get your flirt on and avoid expressing your sentiments with passion. Try on a few different looks before committing too hard in love.
#Taurus (April 20 - May 20) in #VenusRetrograde :

Venus is your ruling planet, Taurus, so you can bet you'll feel its retrogrades with a lot of intensity. But this time around, you could actually see some financial benefits so long as you're frugal and on top of your spending.

"Money from an old project will be making its way back to you," "Keep tabs on your bank account."
#Gemini (May 21 - June 20) in #VenusRetrograde

Venus is backspinning through your sign now, Gemini, and it's going to make everything about your love life feel absolutely dizzying. "It’s hard for you to make decisions," "Commit to not committing right now."
#Gemini in #ShukraGraha

You're a fast-moving air sign, but it's OK to take things slow sometimes. Embracing a more relaxed pace will allow you to process all the issues that Venus retrograde is bringing to the surface.
#Cancer (June 21 - July 22) in #VenusRetrograde

Retreating into your own little world is a great way to spend Venus retrograde, Cancer, as now's a time to reevaluate where you stand in relationships and beyond. "

Staying in your secret world is favored, as you have control over what energy you let into your life.While your actual decision-making skills regarding love and money might get a little blurry, you can explore the bounds of your desires and values within your fantasies.
#Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) in #VenusRetrograde

Venus doesn't only influence our romantic partnerships, Leo — this planet also affects the value and pleasure we derive from our platonic relationships. This retrograde might cause some friction between you and your crew.

Friends will stress you out. However, you’ll make up with them faster than you got mad in the first place." Remember that signals are getting mixed and feelings are unclear, so hold off on cutting ties, even if someone's on your last nerve.
#Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Venus retrograde has a tendency to drown us in confusion over love and desire, which can be all-consuming — but don't let yourself get lost at sea, Virgo, as you'll need to stay grounded in order to remain on top of your other responsibilities.
"Work may be the last thing on your mind, but projects need to get done," "Don’t wait until the last minute!" Avoid added retrograde stress by practicing grounding techniques and holding off on making any major moves in love.
#Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) in #VenusRetrograde
Venus is your ruling planet, Libra, so its retrograde will certainly be transformative and this year, you'll be focused on figuring out what brings you joy, value, and a feeling of connectedness within your spiritual belief system
"Higher minded pursuits will occupy your mind, as you’re invested in spiritual endeavors," Prioritize activities such as yoga, meditation, or other spiritually minded healing modalities in order to clear your mind and allow yourself to ride the retrograde wave gracefully.
#Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
It's challenging to say no sometimes — and Venus retrograde is here to teach you that lesson in a new way. "Setting boundaries with others may be hard, as you are unable to abide by them yourself,"
#Scorpio in #VenusRetrograde

But that doesn't meant you shouldn't try, Scorpio. By slowing to a snail's pace during this retrograde, you'll have a chance to think before you act, and to make sure that you're making space for a healing and valuable type of love.
#Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Venus retrograde periods are notorious for washing ex-lovers up onto our shores, and you're more than likely to have to face some feelings around this over the coming months, Sag. "You’re confused about your relationship with an ex,"
Deciding which avenue to go down is hard.Think it over before proceeding.Whether it's a case of having unfinished emotional business or just simply receiving a "you up?" text out of the woodwork,you should weigh the pros and cons before reaching out or responding.
#Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Venus rules over pleasure, and this retrograde is nudging you toward a new way of deriving pleasure and value from your day-to-day endeavors. "Your daily routine has become exhausting,"

"Rest and relax now." Slowing down during this retrograde and reevaluating what in your life actually brings you joy can help you decide what you'd like to keep — and what you'd like to toss — once the retrograde comes to an end.
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