The rapid spread of conspiracy against Bill Gates/Gates Foundation, which has poured more private $$ into stopping infectious diseases/research no one else wants to fund than just about anyone, is an indicator of how prepared & activated the landscape is for the information war
People have been cultivated & radicalized, and are being targeted with with carefully crafted narratives that fit inside that conspiracy architecture, and they understand it immediately, respond.

This is true subversion: calling for arrest of man on frontline of stopping crisis
People like Malkin saying "the gates vaccine" is poison (100% false and pure grifterism by her) will inflame and prolong crisis, elevate deaths. And for them it's LULZ.

They are monsters.
I just want to be sure this is clear: this is not just a "right web" problem

Anti-vaxxerism is very left-right fusion & is the foundation for a good chunk of this, tho many other conspiracies are being leveraged

What it took years to do to Soros has been done to Gates in weeks
Weeks! This should terrify you.
Also, this is an A+ representation of "coronavirus is a hoax" conspiracists going to Starbucks with an RPG launcher strapped across their American flag-print tank top.
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