If u receive #Medicare, #Medicaid, if u are #disabled & u hav problems getting help with programs that u actually qualify 4 via @TexasHHSC then u might wanna pull up a seat & grab some popcorn cause I’m abt 2 expose a very disturbing & racially biased system in need of #reform
When u think abt racial disparities regarding healthcare, covid 19 has shown us that it’s a very serious problem 4 people of color. We all know who is in charge of the head of the snake but u hav 2 be just as concerned abt the tail all the way up 2 the belly because as u can see
the supporting cast, the enablers are people of color as u can see frm the pics attached 2 this thread. The people mentioned in the letter are people of color. This is a cowardly form of #Racism where the head of the snake takes people of color who are not culturally dedicated,
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