at 17 i was reading about serial killers, listening to slipknot, and doing my best to avoid getting jumped by gangs. cannot imagine how much more mentally unstable i would have been if i'd committed time to creating a "superhero universe" lol
the funniest thing about comics culture is that for generations it was built around straight white dorks telling each other how much they ruled for being lame. its why spiderman is so popular. you can still make healthy indiegogo profits by continuing to propagate this myth.
shout out to the losers in my feed though. im not talking to about you, you matter. im talking about the OTHER people. you know the ones.
the two most important comics of the 2000s were probably kick ass and scott pilgrim because they both fetishized that same loser for wildly different audiences but laid bare how much sucking sucks for us smart people who thought both characters were loathsome entitled fuckheads.
oh wow both scott pilgrim and kick ass came out in 2010? i should watch those one night
fwiw, the art in both scott pilgrim and kick ass rules
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