what the women of grey’s anatomy have taught me, a thread:
meredith grey

you can survive anything, get back up and keep fighting because you’re stronger than you know
amelia shepherd

you can always start again, it’s never too late to keep trying and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and show your emotions
cristina yang

never apologize for being ambitious, you’re as good as you are and deserve to celebrate it
arizona robbins

your sexuality isn’t something to be ashamed of, celebrate it and love yourself
lexie grey

when you love someone don’t be afraid to tell them, and make sure the love and respect you give out is the same that you’re receiving
jo (last name unknown)

no matter where you come from your past does not define you. mental health is never something to be ashamed of and admitting you need help makes you strong
miranda bailey

you’re a story, powerful woman and make no apologies for it
addison montgomery

you deserve to be loved by someone that loves you, never fight for someone who doesn’t want you, don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve
maggie pierce

you’re smart and talented and what other people think of you is irrelevant. you’ve worked this hard and gotten this far so who cares what other people think
callie torres

never change who you are to make someone else happy, you come first and if they don’t like who you are you don’t need them
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