My labor and delivery were so smooth and easy and peaceful. It’s one of my fondest memories and I’m so grateful for that.
I was GBS positive and my family has a history of quick deliveries (my mom was 7 hours with me, my sister under 3 hours for both her kids) You have to get a shot within 4 hours of delivery when GBS positive. So I unfortunately couldn’t labor at home as planned.
But my water broke anyway so I had to go right away so they can monitor the fluid. They tell you water breaking isn’t like the movies. It’ll probably just be a trickle. My shit was like the movies. Idk what my kid did but chile it was a wrap.
So we got to the hospital and I was supposed to do natural birth but hours passed with no contractions after my water broke so I had to get induced. They give you a pill and break it up over the span of a few hours. After the first piece of the pill my shit went into full gear.
Contractions are trash. Then just my luck, I went into fucking back labor after having back complications during the pregnancy. So I was dying.
Not dying forreal lmao just in a lot of pain I mean. My vision was blacking out, my memory of that whole time is super spotty. I dilated extremely fast. It was like 4 centimeters in an hour. The nurses were shocked but I told them my fam has history of fast delivery.
Nurse was like “your body reacted very strongly to the induction medication. Do you think it’s time to think about an epidural”? I’m like nah why would you even say that. Then a contraction almost killed me I’m like “bring the anesthesiologist in here NEOW”
So they came in and did the epidural. They said it would hurt but they were so good I didn’t feel a thing. I had a reaction where your entire body itches but apparently that’s normal. I didn’t mind. The epidural was the best decision I ever made in my LIFE
Contractions are wild. My boyfriend was counting through them and telling me when I’m halfway through one, tryna do the breathing techniques with me, I’m like boy LEAVE ME ALONE TO DIE PLEASE!
All that breath training and shit goes out the window chile. He was the only one in there doing that breathing shit EYE was dying. Anyway my midwife said I was fully dilated after a few hours so we should start practice pushing.
I had been said I was gon be pushing champ once I learned that pushing the head out could take up to an hour. My bf was supervising everything, down there like he was one of the doctors lmao like y’all not bouta mess my baby mama up.
Apparently my practice push was that heat because she started coming out. My bf’s like “you can see the forehead”! I’m like WHAT HOW!? And after like maybe ten minutes of pushing my lil cutie was here!
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