honestly, full deadass seriousness, I keep trying to work on my assignments but I literally can't, it feels impossible to work on anything and I'm trying so hard it's exhausting, I usually fall back and blame it on having ADD but like I can't get any treatment cause of what's-
going on rn and I'm honestly so tired and I feel like an absolute failure like why can't I just work why isn't all this stress forcing me to work, I'm overdue on so many things leh ba3d ma hasset 3a dame I'm truly stumped I hate this so much
what's even worse is I don't know how to explain to my professors, i tried talking to stupid counseling center and they told me to exercise and sleep better while they'd "help out with deadlines" none of that happened and I just always feel embarrassed, I even stopped showing up-
To a class cause I couldn't even face my professor (I still haven't submitted my midterm, mind you the final is due today) I just....yea I think I got most of it off my chest, it won't help but ig it's a start idk
for reference this is all the work I've done in the past 4 days, this final was due 3 days ago, I fucking adore the course but that's it, that's all I got
just ignore at this point I'm just ranting, to top it all of this was the semester I was going to get my shit together and raise my GPA so I can transfer to the major I actually want (and save myself from probation 2) and it breaks me that I'm not going to achieve that
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