In honor of my incredible mother, who raised me keeping me fully aware of the disadvantages that women face, I have a simple new project

So many women speak up about their experiences being harassed in games, and their stories go uncollected and forgotten. Let's collect them.
If this is my hill to die on, so be it.

I'm sick of trying to ‘protect my career’ or avoid further online harassment by rarely speaking up.

Sexism and harassment is an issue. It DOES NOT invalidate other issues. This is just one of them. And here are people’s stories.
A nice in game example of what happens when you use voice chat. In a competitive game that requires team coordination. “Mute and move on” doesn’t help you improve at the game and/or grind to the next level. Also not great for having fun.
Want to hear more from people in the industry who know what they’re talking about? Try this take from someone at Dreamhack with a long history working & playing in CSGO and Dota 2
Let’s not forget that the sexism often comes paired with racism and homophobia too - it’s just such an inclusive experience!
I’ve had my own endless experiences with the DMs and clips to prove it, here’s just one of them - where winning a game and playing well do absolutely nothing to deter people from being sexist and awful
This thread is fun - people seem to insist that muting is the solution and to just ‘deal with it’ despite all the women pointing out that sexist harassment comes ON TOP OF normal levels of gaming toxicity
And there is a reddit thread to go along with that! With some more perspectives to share.
Here's a nice thread about the realities women face, and the absolute terror before we publicly say anything because then we open ourselves up to the misery that is everyone thinking we are infringing on their freedoms by asking not to be harassed…
You can follow @ReinessaGaming.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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