Apparently I used this as a sermon once on Mother's Day:

A Proverbs 31 ½ Woman

She might be late to pick up her son
Due to unforeseen things at work.
She knows she is not only defined
By her family.
She lays down by the tracks
In a makeshift bed.
Sometimes her body has been bruised,
But she said loudly, “No more!”
Her identity is much deeper than that.
She delights in the moments
She sits and hears the birds singing
With a cup of coffee in her hand.
She enjoys pleasure
And knows it is not a sin.
She is aging ungracefully
And lets everyone know she has an opinion.
Her identity is much deeper than that.
She is a survivor
Don’t call her a victim.
She is the one who gets to hear
a guy patronizing explain something
She has spent her life doing.
She is in the clinic alone,
Walking bravely through the protestors.
Her identity is much deeper than that.
She loves the smell of the dirt
As she puts her hands in the earth
To plant this year’s zinnias.
Her identity is much deeper than that.
She knows she should throw out
The pile of papers and do the dishes
But knows the importance of watching,
How to Get Away with Murder.
She does her work knowing that
She does not get paid what she deserves.
She is the one who runs through Taco Bell
Knowing she should probably eat healthier.
She looks in that mirror,
Hearing so many voices,
Knowing that she loves every curve.
Her identity is much deeper than that.
She prays real prayers,
Sometimes of praise,
Sometimes of desperation,
Sometimes of hope of faith.
She is angry when injustices
Touch her and those around her.
She cannot stop the voices
That rattle in her head.
Her sentences get interrupted too often.
She is intensely proud of her family
However, she may define it.
She has found safe places
Even when society does not accept
The gender of her identity.
She yearns for peace
And aches when she hears of bombs
Hitting hospitals so far away.
She sings out loud
To that tune that makes her hips move.
She reads the recipe on her phone
Trying not to get it dirty
As sometimes liquid spills
Over the edges of the bowl.
Her identity is much deeper than that.
She knows there is no ideal,
There is only acceptance of who she is
In this moment.
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