One time I gave a reading on one of those guys who doesn’t believe in anything with tarot/astrology so I asked my card to show me his sign to see if I should actually give him a reading I deem the 5 of pentacles which mean Taurus. I asked him if he was a Taurus he replied
With his birthday and I said yeah you’re a Taurus so what do you want your reading on. He thought about it for awhile and said do a reading on my childhood trauma I was a little scared because I never did a reading fully in the past cause most people
Ask about their future love lives so not knowing what his situation i comprised three piles and I asked for views on a mother figure and views on the father figure and the pain that he’s dealing with
I do intuitive readings so I just pull cards or shuffle them until it feels right to pull or shuffle so I pulled two major arcana cards for his mother the empress and the star
For his dad I pulled four minor arcana cards I can’t remember which ones but they were all cups and pentacles and I interpreted it as being his dad was really materialistic showed lack of emotion and wasnt really around emotionally
For his mom those were the only two cars I felt
To pull and it was so weird like I didn’t feel the need to pull any more cards for his mom and I interpret it as him seeing his mom as divine and a empress he loved his mom unconditionally and She was his star but I couldn’t figure
Out why I drew the star card particularly so I went to his pain deck I pulled the hierophant so I assumed that was about his dad and I kept pulling other cars that had his dads energy and I was like asking the card what about his mom and nothing flew out nothing felt like I need
Needed to draw from the deck still not realizing and not knowing the truth I asked are your parents divorced or do you live with your dad and not able to see your mom anymore I assumed she ran away or was in jail but he said she died when I was five then I realized why my
Intuition associated her passing with the star card and I was so amazed this happens a year ago so I was just sharing one of my favorite reading stories
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