Screw it, WoD scrapped content thread.

- During the late beta, an infinite drakonid known as the Infinite Vanguard appeared outside the Caverns of Time, along with a time rift above Tanaris similar to the ones they use in the Caverns dungeons.
- A scrapped vignette in all zones involved clicking a flower and summoning a mysterious orc carrying flowers. This was a reference to the Flowerpicker Clan from Warcraft 2.
- Hemet Nesingwary's daughter, Helga Nesingwary, was involved in a Gorgrond questline centered around helping restore her sanity.

- A qiraji prophet named The Thing in the Cave was originally included in the mobs for Gorgrond Monster Hunter.
- Four cut NPCs had the title of <The Unchained Gladiators> - Gaur Icehorn, Griswold Hanniston, Kuhl Sparkfury, and Angus Stouthammer. The first two originally appeared in Durotar, as gladiators for the slavemaster Spiketooth.
- The Fiona questline in Shadowmoon originally centered around Tess Greymane seeking a cure for feral worgen from an herb found on Outland before its corruption. She had two bodyguards with her - Hemma Beringer and Kadus Arkadian, the former of which was sick during the quests.
- The prelude quests to the Karabor assault originally included the player working with an SI:7 agent named Lusia Moonwhisper, who sent you to plant underwater explosives on Iron Horde battleships to sabotage their reinforcements.
- Hansel Heavyhands was meant to go to Draenor because the Iron Horde kidnapped his wife, Ellie.

- Admiral Taylor was meant to appear alive at the defense of Karabor.

- Okrilla, the orc suprematist leader of Dreadmaul Hold, originally sided with the Ironmarch in the prepatch.
- Minor NPCs from past zones such as "Doc" Cogspin, Joren Ironstock, Sark Ragetotem, and Pao'ka Swiftmountain were datamined (some with updated models), but never appeared anywhere in-game.
- Arechron gave a quest at the garrison to rescue his son, Corki, in reference to the questline from BC Nagrand.

- Nitrin and Levixus, a father and son from a prominent Terokkar Forest questline, were originally involved in aiding the Auchenai in the Talador story.
- Nemuraan, an Auchenai who aided the Alliance Expedition in rescuing Kurdran Wildhammer in Beyond the Dark Portal, was meant to appear as his past incarnation. This would have marked his first appearance in the game, but unfortunately he was cut.
- To top this thread off, in the beta rendition of Gul'dan's assembly with the Shadow Council, a shadowed figure appeared with them, using Night Elf animations without the model's ears. It was heavily speculated and perhaps implied that this was Medivh.
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