my spanish, like grew up speaking it but i feel like i never got better than i could have because my family was always coming for me instead of just teaching me without making me feel stupid im still pretty good though just i feel like i could be so much better
romantic love, a bitch been ugly my WHOLE LIFE! i didn't officially date someone till i was 21 and i went stupid and had 4 niggas whipped and all that did was stress me out and made me realize its still hard for me to believe that im capable of being loved romantically
singing, i know this dumb but growing up i used to sing alot but my family was always coming for me and telling me to shuttup so it was hard for me to practice in my room without them making me feel bad, till this day i wont sing unless my house is empty
anyway this thread is about me noticing im afraid to progress in things ive been ridiculed for
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