OK, I think I very nearly started World War 423 by the time honoured method of twitter not having the room to really flesh out your thoughts, and commenting on a strangers thread so they had no way to know personal context... A thread...
... Yeah, I have some opinions on the concept of a UBI. For the most part I like the idea, and I find arguments like "people will just take advantage and sit around doing nothing for free money" distasteful.
A) I think very few people actually would do "nothing"...
... Some people might avoid traditional work but most people aren't cut out for doing genuinely nothing. Just look how bored everyone is in lockdown. But there's a world of difference between not doing a traditional job and not contributing at all...
... It all comes down to how we define contribution. And why people might *choose* to do *nothing*.
Some people (me for a start) can't do traditional work. My body is too unreliable, my levels of pain too unpredictable & the worst pain too capable of ruining my concentration.
... Sometimes it is a different kind of ill that stops traditional work from being possible. Anxiety can make it very very hard to work in many different ways. Depression too. There are more kinds of chronic illnesses than I can name, and most of them in at least...
... some degree make it really difficult to work a *normal* job. Maybe the kind of work you are being offered is just going to make you miserable. We shouldn't be forced to work a job that over time will make us sick...
... Maybe the *menial* (I loathe that term) jobs, that actually tend to be back breaking and horrible work should be paid a proper wage. As I have said before "do you want your fucking pool clean or not?" Maybe it's time we said if you aren't willing to do a job yourself...
... You have to pay a decent wage to someone else to do it. Maybe it's time we started saying that most jobs have the same value so should be paid the same wage. Maybe not. Maybe that's a much longer discussion. I certainly think there needs to be much more parity...
... Cleaners work damn hard, why are they paid so much less than many administrative positions? I used to work at McDonald's, an 8 hour shift was pretty much non-stop fast-paced labour. With production standards that might surprise a lot of people. Compared to...
... other similar jobs they were pretty good employers, but I've worked in much easier, lower stress jobs where I was paid considerably more. Why? Because we don't value jobs based on effort, or stress or any of the things that might equitably measure them...
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