Firstly, lets look at some telling lyrics of his:
1) In the song ‘normal’ he states the reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen with an alchol. idk about u but does this seem like something someone that dropped out of school in 9th grade would know? no. marshall is a liar
2) Secondly, as we all know marshall and Dre are in a gay relationship. Well, he has been doing chemistry with Dre. Clearly this is because he is passionate and wants his gay lover to feel the same <3. very cute marshall
he even has a lab coat on as he is clearly VERY pedantic about lab safety as it’s something he cares a lot about <3.
Next, in the ‘I need a doctor’ music video he is seen with Dre who is hooked up to machines. This is actually REAL footage of marshall performing a complex biochemical procedure on Dre so his boyfriend will become immortal. which he would need a degree to have a license for else-
- it would be very illegal 😡.
Next, he states he wasn’t trying to make his love for chemistry ‘major’ alluding to the fact he actually has a major in chem! well done eminem !! however, he just wanted other people to appreciate nature as much as him :(( <\\3.
finally, in ‘hello’. it is revealed that in the underground chemistry association he is a KNOWN chemist. as he does not have to buy drugs (chemicals) to do his experiments due to how good he is. also talks about advanced chemistry concepts. nice. —-
—- (there is no other possible meaning for this that i can think of:/ so 100% true)
side note : this is 100000% true and if u need more proof just listen to ‘the way i am’ where he says ‘ i am whatever you say i am’ therefore confirming i am correct as he actually wrote that song about me. thank you.
@JasonFromMiami_ more proof as he’s talking about his molecules. he could’ve said anything but chose to say molecules as he got too excited over being able to mention chemistry 😌
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