Why am I not joining in the petty laughing at Stay Alert? Because I've lost people and I don't find it funny. Moving past the simple stage of total lockdown was always going to be more complicated and involve nuance and the need for us to understand beyond a simple slogan.
Apparently people - especially those in the media - dont want to do that. They want to pick apart a slogan. Or the comms. They want to release anon source stories about what the Govt will do which ends up being total horse shit. Whipping up conspiracy theories in their wake.
Honest to fuck - get a grip. We are in #day44oflockdown and we are not being asked much. Stay alert means that - be alert to what you need to be doing to keep yourself/family safe. Social distancing. Be alert to the rules. Be alert at home and keep to the hygiene rules.
You want to be asshats and mock slogans? Go ahead. But I've not been able to attend funerals for close friends. I now have children in my life who have lost a parent. I don't think they give a flying fuck about your jokes about slogans. Just do the rules. And keep safe. #COVID19
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