I don't know how long yall have been on this bird app but Shindong gets mad hate on this app for seemingly nothing - K-Pop fans love disguising actual fatphobia as "oh I'm dragging because he's problematic" https://twitter.com/doietyong/status/1259449544988717057
I've seen Shindong fans get ratioed just for saying they find him attractive, because other K-Pop fans cannot stand the thought of fat bodies being attractive and they project that hatred onto fans who do no harm.

All this has been happening over a DECADE.
Even at the peak of when ELFs were at their worst, all the hate Super Junior got was always focused on Shindong.
almost every mention of Shindong on this app has been negative, whilst every mention of Taeyong has been this "he's just a baby incapable of making mistakes and should not be held accountable if he does" crap to clear the searches and it's really no comparison
I've sourced for translations for Taeyong more than I have any other one idol so I AM familiar with the hate that he gets - which is really only ever compounded because Tyongfs cannot stop making hate comments more visible than they need to be.
I've never spread Taeyong's hate comments and I mute those who insist on spreading rumours about him that I know are false from fact checking. Y'all give those comments the light of day and then victimize him. Why?
There has NEVER been an idol I literally don't care about, that I've had as much an obligation to defend as Shindong, just because the amount of unwarranted hate he gets is that repulsive.
If he was conventionally attractive (and by extension, had a bigger fanbase) he would not see nearly the same amount of abuse from literally every K-pop fandom. Anyone on this app can lash him while comfortably knowing they won't get ratioed.
I know he has said some vile sexist shit in his day, even did a blackface skit (like some of the other Suju members 😭) and I am neither justifying nor forgiving those actions.

I relay this message to K-Pop fans on this app to STOP HATING ON HIM AS AN EXCUSE TO BODYSHAME
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