I thought I'd share some things I've learned about being published with one of 'the big 5' publishers. Follow the thread if interested! #WritingCommunity #amwriting #amwritingfiction https://twitter.com/HazelPriorBooks/status/1259432656464490497
DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE the importance of a good agent i.e. one who gets your writing, who you trust and who is happy to answer all your questions. I've been so lucky with @DA_Agency. Not only a 2-book deal here, but foreign editions! This is my 'Ellie shelf' (so far!)
2. Everything will take MUCH LONGER than you think... Months of editing for the agent, months of waiting for your deal and then many more months before publication. I waited 20 months for E&THM to be published after getting the deal. Longest 20 months of my life!
3. You don't get to choose your own title and cover. I was frankly gutted about this, but those publishers do actually know what they're doing!
4. You won't believe the amount of editing you STILL have to do!
5. You'll be allocated publicists and they are fantastic allies. But you still have to do your bit - author events, social media publicity etc.
6. It's hard not to obsess about Amazon reviews because you NEED to know people are enjoying your books. But most readers don't write reviews. You're doing fine.
7. There will be authors better than you who never get published. There will be authors worse than you who have much more successful careers. There's a lot of luck in this game...
8. So write what you love writing. Don't follow markets - they're fickle. Be true to your vision.
9. Writing ANOTHER book after all the effort put into book 1 is daunting (& the greater your success, the greater the pressure). Try to finish first draft of book 2 before book 1 is out!
10. I can't tell you how much I've needed the support of my fellow authors. The #WritingCommunity is the best!
You can follow @HazelPriorBooks.
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