1) I have Empathy for Young Black Men who get profiled in stores through no action of their own.

I have Empathy for Gays who are Executed in the Muslim World for simply existing and loving.

I have Empathy for White Men who are constantly called "The Oppressor" while having...
2) the HIGHEST Suicide Rate of any Race/Gender.

I have Empathy for Jews who even after EVERYTHING they've suffered are treated as Responsible for "Conspiracies".

I have Empathy for the Blacks, Indians and Asians that are BASICALLY SLAVES in the Arab World (yes even today).
3) I have Empathy for the Arab Christians who are Abused by the Muslim Majority that surrounds them.

I have Empathy for Reasonable Muslims just trying to live their lives; who get Profiled or Attacked just because of their Religion.
4) All of these things can exist at once. You're not Relegated to certain "Opinions" because of your Political Affiliations.

I see that Racism still exists. The difference between me and the Leftists; is I know Tribalism and Identity Politics makes it worse; not better.
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