When the football does restart banish Leeds and Liverpool for five years until them and their fans commit to prioritising human health over a notch on their honours.
Genuinely can’t believe I have to type this but my notifications are a slew of wools either melting down over this or trying way to hard to push back. It’s not serious lads, a 5 year ban may be a tad excessive for something you simply haven’t done.
We’re now 24 hours deep into a quote tweet cry-arse-a-thon and they are still bouncing off the windscreen. I wasn’t even trolling them as I thought it was that obvious. Big big red, mate.
You know what? Not one Leeds fan has fumed over this. Draw your own conclusions, mates.
Come to think of it there’s not much difference between Big Red twitter and the Daily Mail comments section, loads of shared behaviour. Just a few more ten letter hahas on one side, and lefty/commy shouts on the other.
Try not to be as thick as many of the kopites before you mate.
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