i really do have a lot of mixed feelings about k-pop going global, because as happy as i am that the music has gone from regional to universal, its given people a platform to judge others right off the bat and declare people ignorant without considering cultural differences.
then there's cancel culture, which i dont ever remember happening until k-pop went viral beyond asia. it has its pros/cons, but people use it to justify even the smallest mistakes and i think thats toxic. it makes a lot of people pick up such unhealthy habits while stanning.
when i see newer fans, mostly western, judging past mistakes commited by idols that they may/may not have apologised for and demanding they be canceled, i think of how these fans look at things through western goggles. how they refuse to accept these idols grew up in a different
culture, how those mistakes were commited during a time they really didnt know better, because perhaps in korean entertainment it wasnt seen as wrong. in this day and age where people are more educated, open-minded, it definitely does not excuse those mistakes, but i think
to judge them based on today's standards alone is unfair.
i have so many thoughts about this but its so hard to put into words :-///// been thinking about it because i keep seeing people target shindong for things. at this point, even if he does reissue apologies, nothing will ever be enough for people, because you already have a
preconceived notion of him that you refuse to change. i will never understand how people can preach kindness and talk about mental health and then turn right around and pick and choose who they're mindful of.
anyway, i'd like people to consider this for all idols, or just people in general. ALL idols. even the ones you might not like. be a little kinder than necessary,, it shows character.
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