gonna level with you guys i have no idea what half of these mean but fuck it

oh boy, of course they put the big one first

my thoughts on abortion are a little too complex for 180 characters (and 6:30 in the morning)
2. communities as a whole always suck. lgbt one's no stranger to it, especially that bi erasure shit

that said, i've met more than enough decent lgbt people to know that the larger community doesn't represent everyone
3. yeah, it's a thing. not much else to say about it.
5. i respect camgirls more than onlyfans girls because they openly treat their customers as customers, it's a business, none of that manipulative parasocial relationship shit
6. twitter sucks but without it i wouldn't have met you guys

there's a lot of dumb shit that gets me mad, but a lot of cool people i otherwise never would've met
7. if we're strictly talking about the music, it's not my cup of tea but i have nothing against it. i just don't listen to it.
8. shitty community, good people



10. here's where we reach the shit that i've never heard of

if this image is right, then yeah i think this is pretty dumb
11. i'm pretty sure he died of a stroke a week ago and his handlers are trying to cover it up
12. if you cheat on your partner, fuck you.

do i think cheaters should be physically harmed? no, but they deserve every profanity and insult thrown their way
13. the fuck do you mean, opinion on rape?

it's an evil act, there most likely aren't that many people who think differently
15. weird, but they can do their thing as long as they stay away from kids
16. it really should only be used in cases where there’s basically no deniability that the person committed the crime
17. funny dude, but not a good president

he’s not actively harmful but he’s not doing anything of note

he’s just riding his presidency out
19. hell yeah bro i love spying on our own citizens and bombing middle eastern children
21. considering my avatar is a parody of an anime character my opinions on anime should be fairly easy to figure out
22. Yes.
23. just sounds like bisexuality with extra steps bro
24. would rather a woman take her tit out in public to feed her child than have a screaming hungry baby in public
25. the world would be boring (and not to mention set back hundreds of years) if cultures didn’t borrow from each other
26. that’s a thing? people give themselves fake freckles?

that’s silly
28. a big old meme

if you’re unironically worried about “the fash” taking over the world you’re plain fucking r[REDACTED]d
29. no comment
31. it’s gone to shit.
32. had to google this one.

aside from they/them what is this lord of the rings bullshit


33. another one I had to google

i don’t really care
34. can sometimes look good, but for the love of god don’t do what this guy did
35. reddit tier. Jesse Ventura’s cooler
36. would rather obesity not be normalized as it literally kills you, but people having a little extra weight shouldn’t be shamed
37. congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances
39. i'd have a much higher opinion of feminists if they campaigned for women's rights in places where they're still subservient to men like in the KSA instead of making nuisances of themselves here in the states
40. i don't understand why these lists always have meninism

it was literally always a satirical movement, it was not serious

i'm not sure if it's even a thing anymore
41. who?
42. being proud in your country's one thing, trying to dominate the world is another
43. they CAN work, sometimes
44. reddit is decent if you unsubscribe from literally every default subreddit and never look back

there's communities for pretty much every niche interest if you look for them
45. there's a reason valve never gets anything done, you know
46. okay, another one i had to google

basically european neo-soviet molossia
47. we should not be as friendly as we are with israel

should we have gone to war? no, it was an isolated incident, but that should've been where we cut ties with israel.

34 men died.
48. it'd work if we stopped pooling billions of dollars into the military and its ridiculous, impractical future soldier projects
49. every time i think "asexual", i remember that twitter thread where "asexuals" posted selfies of themselves...

with their children.
50. it was a decent read when i was a kid, but when i look back and watch the movies/reread one of the books as an adult i keep finding so many holes in jk rowling's worldbuilding and the story

it's not a good series, especially fantastic beasts.
52. fun game, but the other rainbow six games are better
54. like i said, there's no reason we should have such strong ties with them
55. groucho's funnier
56. i had to google this dude

all i had to see was "blogger" to start laughing my ass off

who fucking blogs in 2020

another guy i had to google. seems like an asshole.
58. i like the 'x and its consequences' copypasta
59. Yes.
60. would prefer if people didn't do it, because it hurts others just as much as it hurts themselves, but sometimes someone's suffering is just too much for them to handle
61. it's very improbable that we're the only intelligent life out there in such a vast and ancient universe

do i think we'll ever meet alien life? no, probably not. we can barely make it to the moon, let alone other galaxies.
62. it will never work without autocracy and oppression, and even then it doesn't do very well.
63. it was better before the buyout
64. capitalism is a flawed system, but not the bane of mankind

we're living in a sort of second gilded age, where businesses are exploitative and corrupt

we're in dire need of more regulations, enforcement of antitrust laws, et cetera, but we're not headed for the apocalypse
this thread really showed how little i know about politics

i just wanna play vidya and pirate weebshit for god's sake
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