Our next plant community is the ‘fly tip’. It’s the horticultural version of that scourge of modern life, where cowboy builders avoid paying for the proper disposal their waste materials by dumping it on a quite lane.
The garden waste fly tipper is the person who has not yet discovered the joy of compost-making. You could find almost any garden plant on fly-tipped waste, but these are the most likely to be seen.
Discarded soil containing bulbs: Allium triquetrum (Three-cornered Garlic, Amaryllidaceae; left). Muscari armeniacum (Garden Grape-Hyacinth, Asparagaceae; right).
Discarded soil containing corms: Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (Montbretia, Iridaceae; left). Gladiolus communis (Eastern Gladiolus, Iridaceae, right).
Species with vigorous runners: Pentaglottis sempervirens (Green Alkanet, Boraginaceae; left); the most pernicious of the invasives these days. Symphotrichum novae-angliae (Hairy Michaelmas-daisy, Asteraceae; right). Take care with ID, there are loads of hybrids and cultivars.
Species with vigorous runners: Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. argentatum (Variegated Yellow Archangel, Lamiaceae, left). Pilosella aurantiaca subsp. carpathicola (Fox-and-cubs, Asteraceae; right).
Vigorous self-seeders: Lunaria annua (Honesty, Brassicaceae; left). Linaria maroccana (Annual Toadflax, Veronicaceae; right).
Poppies (Papaveraceae) both annual Papaver rhoeas (Corn Poppy, left) and perennial Papaver setiferum (Oriental Poppy, right)
Perennial poppies both yellow and orange: Papaver cambricum (Welsh Poppy, left) and Papaver atlanticum (Atlas Poppy, right).
And commonest of all, Opium poppies in all manner of colours (Papaver somniferum).
Symphytum grandiflorum (Creeping Comfrey, Boraginaceae, left). Alchemilla mollis (Soft Lady’s-mantle, Rosaceae, right). Both of them rampant, once established, and very often thrown out over the garden fence.
Myosotis sylvatica (Wood forget-me-not, Boraginaceae, left). Erigeron glaucus (Seaside Daisy, Asteraceae, right).
Gaultheria shallon (Shallon, Ericaceae, left). Leycesteria formosa (Himalayan Honeysuckle, Caprifoliaceae, right)
Vinca major (Greater Periwinkle) and Vinca minor (Lesser Periwinkle, Apocynaceae; both have variegated forms)
Lysimachia punctata (Dotted Loosestrife, Primulaceae; left).
Leucanthemum x superbum (Shasta Daisy, Asteraceae; right)
Hemerocallis fulva (Orange Day-lily, Asphodelaceae, left). Alstroemeria aurea (Peruvian Lily, Alstromeriaceae, right)
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