Except none of it needs to be this way. What we have here is either: 1) gross incompetence and stupidity; 2) gross incompetence and stupidity. 2/
I am sure that @marcshort45, #KevinHassett, #JaredKushner, @stevenmnuchin1, @larry_kudlow believe that the epidemiologists and the economists all saying put test-trace-isolate in place before slowly re-opening are some vast left-wing conspiracy, a hoax. 3/
And no matter what the experts say, @realDonaldTrump's re-election is the most important or keeping the stock market happy is. Deaths? Long-term economic damage? None of it matters. They are not about the fundamentals of this crisis, but what @realDonaldTrump wants to hear. 4/
And none of it is forgivable. Ever. These men are presiding over a death cult built on greed, cronyism, selfishness. Call it what you want, but we're a mafia state now and these are the bumbling consiglieres around the Godfather. 5/
It's not about being a Republican or a Democrat either. I don't think we've seen evil of this kind at the helm of our government ever. These men make Nixon and his crew look like Mother Teresa and her nuns. 6/
So count the deaths each day. Watch the unemployment figures. The evictions, bankruptcies. The ongoing medical bills from people 'recovered' from #COVID19 & remember these men led by @realDonaldTrump own all of it. They sat watching while this all transpired. They did nothing. 7/
We need something akin to the Warren Commission, the 9/11 Commission after this to hold these men accountable in public life. In private life, they deserve scorn and shame. They should have no peace for the rest of their lives. end/
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