I want to know how the government has mishandled the last five days so badly? A slogan everyone is laughing at, an easing that now isn't, devolved leaders saying this won't apply to us. Not to diminish previous mistakes, but this is in the realms of chaos. https://twitter.com/alanbeattie/status/1259408210538180610
The country / governments face horribly tough choices in the coming months. They can't be solved with groupthink, scheduling a TV appearance for the PM, and conflicting anonymous media briefings. We need a proper plan, and we need it debated. https://twitter.com/DavidHenigUK/status/1259235207431020545
The twitter groupthink might not agree but I actually want to hear a Parliamentary debate in which say @SteveBakerHW argues for a different approach to easing lockdown, and we hear from MPs also serving on the front line. Time to ditch the secrecy and tried and failed approach.
The shambles continues... https://twitter.com/MrHarryCole/status/1259419219797651457
You can follow @DavidHenigUK.
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