By shifting from Stay Home to Stay Alert, they're simply allowing themselves to shift the blame onto the public by giving a vague objective. At a time when we need leadership, it's been 100% about them evading responsibility.
It's beginning to seem like it wasn't the best idea to have our country run by a slippery shitbag chancer
If within hours of releasing a slogan, you have to write a press release *explaining* that slogan - it's either an abject failure, or another success in a campaign of obfuscation.
By the statement that Stay Home was "too effective", it's pretty clear that their plan involves more people dying? So at this point the messaging isn't about helping us, but shielding those in power from scrunity.
Gotta say it's a real fucking shame to be going through a global catastrophe under a government that it's impossible to trust in the slightest.
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