"Under socialism, doctors and cleaners get paid the same, right?"

No. Neither gets paid anything.

"That's worse!"

No. Neither gets paid anything, because anything they need is given to them.
"Then who would become a doctor and not a cleaner? What would be the motivator?"

People become all sorts of things for reasons other than money. Also, you assume a person can't be a doctor AND a cleaner.


Because capitalism inefficiently distributes labour power.
"Well, a socialist would say that."

It's true. Be honest: How many hours at your job are spent scrolling Wikipedia or reading news articles, pretending to work? Nobody really needs to work eight hours a day, do they? We only waste our time at work to get our clocked hours.
"But cleaning is menial work. No self-respecting med school grad will want to be a janitor!"

Eh. It's menial work, sure, but it's menial work that gets done more quickly the more of us do it. Two hours picking up rubbish or scrubbing toilets isn't too bad.
"Okay, well, what if someone has an upset stomach and makes a mess?"

Well, cleaners under capitalism have to deal with that a lot and, God bless 'em, they don't complain. Some people have strong stomachs. Put them up to it. 🤷‍♀️
"So you think doctors and cleaners deserve the same treatment?"

Yes. Because without cleaners, we'd need a hell of a lot more doctors! Cleaners prevent plagues breaking out. They deserve the means of life as much as any medical professional.
"Sounds to me like you have no respect for doctors and their accomplishments."

Not true. I'm saying that a person should not have to go through the very rigorous trials and stresses of medical school just to receive the basic means to live. Everyone deserves bread and shelter.
"Well, don't doctors deserve some reward for their efforts?"

Of course. But rewards don't have to be monetary. Doing good - and caring for people's health is a great good - feels good. Most doctors become doctors because they want to help people. Their reward is feeling good!
"Well, you haven't convinced me, but you've given me some things to think about."

In these times, I suppose that's all anyone can ask. But just remember: Not everyone does things for the love of money.

People do things for all sorts of reasons, and money is but one.
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