Gordon Ramsey as the post-take consultant: a thread
When he sees you’ve been on nights again following last weeks hypercalcaemia fiasco.
As you mix up several patient histories, he’s not very appreciative that you are finishing nights and he has only just started.
He’s not happy with your documentation. You put ‘Background’ at the beginning and neglected to include a ‘Past Medical History’ section later on.
When you forgot to do a VTE assessment.
When you didn’t include ‘Frailty’ in your problem list.
When you prescribed someone bendro and he’s a geriatrician.
When your plan included:
“1. Senior Review”
When he sees one of the other post-take consultants on the round.
When cardiology give him the same response as they gave you overnight for that NSTEMI.
A break in the round and he’s not impressed with your tea-making skills.
When you gave IV fluids but didn’t stop the furosemide.
When you documented ‘CNS not formally examined but moving all 4 limbs’ for a combative delirious patient.
He makes it clear to the nurses that he is enjoying roasting you on the round.
You suggest that this patient encounter might be good to do as a CBD.
It’s now 11am and you’re only staying behind in the hope of completing an ACAT. He sees you yawning.
You missed off the alcohol history in a 100 year old Nun.
When you thought it best to wait until morning to do a PR in a delirious war veteran.
Gives you a pep talk on the persona of a radiologist seeing as you failed to get that CTPA overnight.
Missed a dementia assessment this time.
The round is finally over.
He debriefs about your night shift performance.
Despite his encouragement, you don’t think it’s wise to send the ACAT in the end.
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