Our country has cultivated a politics or culture of it base on emotions. From revenge, hate to almost any emotion that promotes the impossibility of coexistence between reason and emotions has made many of our public servants & general populace a prisoner of these many emotions.
These emotions have for many years and for the most part, wrongful in intent has ruined many lives from 1986 to present. Hate & revenge has been the most powerful emotions I see amongst politicians and businesses. One could say, such is the world we live in.
And do we give in just like that, I ask myself. Another factor I find responsible to ‘poor politics’ in our country is the role of Religion. It has become a remarkable political mobilization in 1986 and still does. Politics and Religion will always undermine each other BUT
When one or the other is mobilize to cut the other off, we return to the culture of hate and revenge. And it becomes a vicious cycle of social issue that touches many and makes everyone speaks with self-entitlement and more hostility as in todays hot issues we see ourselves.
What do we do now? I am no lawyer nor am I a statesman. Neither will I tell my Governor, Congressman or Senator what 2do. Far From it. I am expressing the frustrations that most of us feel about what we have done & failed to do to rise above the occasion in making our Republic
The ‘Perlas NG Silanganan’ it used to be in the Asian region, if not in the world. It is sickening that we have not all matured from all the rich and maybe unpleasant history we had in the past to make us better politicians and citizens of this country.
I could not help but wonder if the general public of Filipinos both local and foreign has completely lost sight of our ‘being’ FIlipinos. If we have not, what’s stopping us to be better citizens? We often become and right so, checker of our Politicians actions and inactions...
But skip the part of what have WE done or failed to do in accomplishing a common direction for our nation and country. We are all on this, full blooded Filipinos to half baked ones and everything else in between as a result of cross-cultural breeds in building a politics of hope.
Politics of Hope is not a sentiment to sit down with and romanticized but its a choice to make by most, be politicians or citizens of all kinds, secular or religious. To counter act the Politics of emotion of revenge and hate, we ought to shift to a sensible decisions and actions
That annihilate the ‘other’, but instead to be inclusive impartial in & transparent all things. A call for Electoral and Political Reformation is Politics of Hope we all need to aspire and act upon it before hate and revenge eats us all up to our own demise.
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