Running for dummies: a thread.


Growing up, I was obese or overweight (really when people set their heart in making you believe you’re worthless, accuracy doesn’t matter).

So wait, are you obese or overweight? We need the technicality!
Honestly, I don’t know, or at least my brain doesn’t seem to want to recall (some selective amnesia-like phenomenon much?). Note: I said it’s a phenomenon, mainly of my cowardice. Basic pain and pleasure principle guys. Nothing new, no disrespect to people who suffer from it.
All I can tell you is, I always felt a desperate need to fabricate my weight so that I don’t get in trouble every time there’s SEGAK (a mandatory fitness programme for public schools in Malaysia).
Wait sorry why am I writing this again (?) Errr. In short, I always felt running is cool. So, I started running. Will update for more.
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