It’s mental health awareness month and I’m taking this moment to say, Having Bipolar Disorder doesn’t mean you get to be an asshole with no consequences. Having borderline personality disorder doesn’t mean you don’t have to apologize for shitty behavior.
As someone with Bipolar Disorder I realize that manias and depressions are super wonky, but your actions need to be apologized for when you fuck up. You can just tell people “tough shit deal with my behavior”
Having a mental illness is not a free pass for being an asshole. You are a toxic person if you genuinely believe that you don’t need to apologize for being a dick.
Same goes for having anxiety. You can tell someone that a behavior they do makes you anxious but you are not allowed to use anxiety as a way to manipulate people into doing what you want.
However if someone tells you that a behavior makes them anxious, do your best to stop. Like. Be a decent human
Also when people are in a depressive episode check in on them, but don’t get mad when they don’t respond. Some days it’s hard to pick up a phone to send a text.
This thread is brought to you by: I saw a tweet where someone said you don’t have to apologize for your behavior if you have BPD and they didn’t clarify which, but that’s incorrect on both accounts
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