—20k: @haechandere @derejyh

It’s been a while since I last made a dedi, but I thought it was about time I tell you guys how much you mean to me.
I never knew i’d be close friends with you two, 2 doms ft. bottom all started when yunho called me and suddenly added duckie in. I was SURPRISED like sIR????? he didn’t even tell me, i just started to hear a voice 😀😀 but who knew it would be the start of such a friendship? (+)
Hyuck is the most adorable and LOUDEST person I’ve EVER met. You’re so bubbly and bright, a whole happy virus PLEA. I hope you continue sharing that glow with those around you. You’re really one of a kind and to be friends with you is such an honor. You’re kind hearted and (+)
really fun to be with. I know I bully you a lot but know that i would KILL whoever touches a SINGLE strand of your hair. It might not seem like it but I care about you a whole lot. I only want the best for you, sub 😔💗 Keep working hard and i’m sure it will all pay off ilysm♡︎
For dumbass Yunugly, where do I even start? Apart from you being a total nut job and the BIGGEST ugly, i’m lov you a lot too. I see how much you genuinely look after people and it just touches me how gentle and soft you really are. you’re not just a sugar daddy but like an (+)
actual father HAHAHDHDJD you let me bother you anytime I want and who will ever? You’re a whole MVP 🤩✨Keep being the phatest simp you are, it’s ngl so precious. A call with you is never boring, our brains expectedly fuse perfectly icb— I hope everything gets better ♡︎
Y’all always make my night better, what would I do without you guys? I hope the smiles on your faces never wear off but whatever happens, i’m always here for the both of you. This thread doesn’t justify how much I L word you two but I hope y’all know that. I can write a whole (+)
novel about you uglies, don’t test me 🥺✊Oh! and let’s continue making drawings, yeah? HSHDJSJSJS

To finally wrap it up, I wish Anime Tiddies for 2 doms ft. bottom muAH !!

P.S I just realized all three of us have each other’s tiktoks LMAO it be making us feel some typa way 🥴
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