Wish I'd never looked @twitter this morning. The quite frankly despicable rhetoric trying to blame schools for not immediately reopening is giving me such anger. I will say it once again. I want my school open, my kids back, all of us do.
But, when I can say with complete honesty to my community that it will be safe. This isn't an extended holiday, it's real, it's grim and my wonderful community are 4x more at risk from this virus. The teacher bashing has started, leave them alone.
We're not having a rest. We're doing our best to be the best we can, for our families, our staff. School is about the people in it and my responsibility is to those people. So yes, I'm resisting widening the school being more open than it currently is.
Until I can look my community in the eye and tell them with 100% honesty that reopening is the right tbing to do, I'm Not Doing It. You can bash as much as you like. I don't have to live with you. I do have to live with my conscience. @edutwitter @Thinkingschool2
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