Imagine someone you love is raped. It might be your little daughter, partner or mother. Her rapist is brought to court & declares he is now a she. The entire court is complicit. If your loved one refuses to call him she,the judge gets angry & your loved one will be in contempt. +
+ The rapist knows this skews justice. He knows your loved one has been sent a clear signal,the court is biased. Your daughter,partner or mother is of less importance than he is. The bench book,apparently advised by Stonewall,instructs the court firmly tilting justice.
This is a photo of a 'transgender' rapist.
So next time someone demands transgender rights, what rights are you supporting? Look what rights women have already lost. Women have already lost their equality in the eyes of the law. Forcing women to lie in court makes women an under class. Is it actually legal?
Any predator can claim to be a woman any time.
That's power. That's control.
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