I saw a take where someone was asking why ppl dislike Liz Bruenig so much when she's one of the very few left op ed writers with a real platform in mainstream media.

The question is the answer I think. 1
there'd be a lot less concern about her shaky positions on abortion and LGBT issues, etc, if she were not so often in a position of representing the left in mainstream discourse.
I think I've said this before, but if you've got one voice really representing "the left" and that person is not onboard with defending reproductive rights, people with some reason feel like they're being deliberately shat upon.
there's all this talk by the right about how they don't get represented in mainstream media. but there just are not that many left voices who have the platform Bruenig does, and there are issues where she's really untrustworthy
...and people understandably wonder if that's why she gets those gigs.
it doesn't help that Matt is just super unpleasant and cruel to people all the time, and that she defends him...but there's also just the fact that she's got this platform, and people with better politics on major issues don't, and if you care about those issues, it's a problem.
I don't think this last tweet/take re the religious left is as catastrophic as some folks did...I think it was clumsy and insufficiently nuanced rather than actively malevolent, I guess, but...
people *really* don't trust her in these religion discussions, and that's because her religious beliefs are thinks she cites when talking about abortion and LGBT issues where her positions aren't good.
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