my neighbor (who is a landlord in his early 20s) is having a party right now. i’ve never been excited to call the cops on someone before this moment. is this what being a white woman who owns a bluetooth headset is like?
in case you’re wondering what kind of music a 23-year-old landlord listens to, the answer is “the same thing that plays in vegas elevators”
ok i was gonna let it slide but THEN they started WOOing really loud like a fucking frat house........ so i actually did it. i called the cops. they’re on the way. now the only wooing will be from sirens ;(
they’re playing beer pong....... in a pandemic. i feel like i’m losing my mind.
to anyone saying i’m the bad guy for doing this, one of them just shouted “napoleon dynamite” and the whole party erupted in laughter. bet you feel pretty dumb for disagreeing with me now hmmm?
THEY ARE SPEAKING POSITIVELY ABOUT ORANGE COUNTY. forget about the cops i shoulda called the national guard!!!!
because life has a way of lookin’ out for landlords, this came to a disappointing end. they just stopped. cops called me back like 4 hrs later asking if they were still goin but i guess LAPD was too busy not letting the unhoused go to the bathroom to check
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