All these TRAs saying women should ignore their discomfort or be labelled bigots don't understand how much women do not want to be raped. As males, they have the privilege of not knowing the fear we women grew up with. Fear of being out late at night, of pregnancy, of your 1/u
Uncle, your teacher, your friend's brother. Fear of reputation being ruined, fear of abandonment. The reason they think we should look past our discomfort is because they have never known it. They can't understand our oppression because they haven't experienced it. Their 2/
Experience might have oppression but it is not the same. The bigotry of trying to divorce females of our bodies to satisfy their deep unhappiness in theirs is the ultimate misogyny. To tell us our experience is subjective to how they feel instead of how we feel is the ultimate 3/
Gaslighting. To take the very essence of what makes a woman such as motherhood, periods, and our biology and pretend it means nothing but the essence of womanhood can be found in a male's head instead is unconscionable. Yes, it is about safeguarding and self preservation 4/
But it is also about females having a right to differentiate themselves from males and we don't need your permission to do so. We can talk about women's needs and include no males at all. We do not have to accept males in our spaces and sports. We don't have to have any other 5/
Reason but we said so. We don't have to pretend transwomen are the same as us. We don't have to sacrifice our safety to male feelings. If males don't like being what they associate with manhood then they can expand the bandwidth of man and leave women alone. We will not shut 6/
Up. We will not bow down. And we will not forget.

"Never let the bastards grind us down"
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