Happy ‘Birthday’ to Omegaverse, a world building fantasy trope that is deeply comforting to a multitude of trans people who use it for deeply personal gender exploration, and so we can relax and have fun while leaving the exhaustion of real life behind.
trans headcanons are not interchangeable with omegaverse tropes, they are entirely separate concepts that should not be conflated. just because someone wants to use one or the other doesn’t mean anything about that person. I use both! we’re all just here for a good time.
sorry but “guys being in heat” and “mpreg” are some of the most trans things I’ve ever heard. omegaverse definitely opened the door for me personally starting to write more non-fantasy trans stories, it was a very liberating trope to discover for my own transmasc existence 💕
a genre of writing is merely a set of tools you work with and I’m not out here trying to say every single a/b/o story is pure gold, just that it’s an important aspect of gender play for a lot of people! you don’t have to like it, just leave it alone if you don’t!
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