One thing I will never understand are the complaints that TLJ sidelines Finn. I completely disagree. Finn has no character development in TFA and TROS. In TFA, he is a coward who only cares about Rey. In TROS, he just becomes general but doesn't really grow in that movie.
TLJ is the only movie where Finn has a substantial amount of character development. In the movie, he learns about how the spread of injustice, oppression, and corruption works. He also learns how the First Order takes advantage over greedy and selfish people.
DJ represented what Finn would become if he continues being a selfish coward. The moment DJ betrayed the Resistance for money is the moment Finn finally learned what the fight against injustice is important. Finn is no longer selfish. He doesn't just care about Rey anymore.
He finally cares about everyone. He cares about the fight. I love the moment when he defeats Captain Phasma and confidently calls himself Rebel scum. It show how much he has grown as a person. His actions on Crait also show how much he has grown as a person.
I absolutely love Finn's arc in TLJ and do not understand the complaints for it at all. And yes, I also love the Canto Bight scenes and everything those scenes represent. I think those scenes are 100% Star Wars.
Before you say "Finn has experienced slavery his entire life. Why does he need to learn about what oppression is?" Please read this thread. I'm sick and tired of explaining it over and over again.
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