I think the classic "HSTS" dysphoria is something that is just... intertwined with being homosexual, unfortunately.
Beyond social roles and beyond homophobia.
Being gay in a body that's technically "built" for heterosexual reproduction is — excuse me — a mindfuck.
That's an aspect of sex dysphoria that is just... there because I'm a lesbian. I think I would have felt that way even if I had never internalized homophobia the way I did, and I don't think it could have ever completely gone away had I not transitioned (even though I regret it).
I think I could have dealt with it in a better / less physically harmful way eventually — if I hadn't been encouraged to just interpret it all as "you have a male brain, the rest of you is wrong but surgery will fix it".
Surgery did "fix" it(?) but it also robbed me of so much.
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