1. The mask usage debate has lacked a bit of nuance. What you really want to do is risk stratify your personal protection based on exposure scenario taking into consideration the protection tools at your disposal. You don't want to be wearing a mask outside by yourself.
2. A mask has a limited lifespan. The life of a 3 ply mask or surgical can be measured in just a few hours. After that they may cause more harm than good to the user.
3. Donning, doffing and maintaining awareness of contamination risk is important. If you have a mask wear it when the exposure scenario warrants it. As in, you are in a crowded place with poor ventilation {indoors}.
4. Transmission in the open air while following basic hygiene and adhering to social distancing is very unlikely. In short save your mask for when it might actually do you some good. Remember it's functional lifespan is finite.
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