if you're going to ask which "side" i am on, then i am definitely on sancho's.

why? because i love the complexity of his character.

do i like his actions? no.

do i hold him accountable for the problems he caused? definitely.
does he deserve to suffer the consequences of his actions? yes.

does this mean that i tolerate how he cheated? no. never.

does this mean that it's okay that he drove while he was drunk and killed an innocent person? no.

so why do i like sancho in the first place?
i like his character. i like the way he was written by the author, because he started out as someone who was fairly okay. someone who knew his boundaries, or was just cowardly, whatever you want to call it. that's just it. it does not mean that i defend him for everything that he
did wrong. liking a character from a story does not mean i automatically adhere to that person's principles. maybe it's something i've picked up from reading a lot of stories. it is possible to understand and feel empathy for someone even if you are against their actions.
that's the beauty in reading. a person's emotions, context, and thoughts are laid in front of you, and it's something you discern and analyze yourself. hindi porket mabait ang isang tao, e mula ulo hanggang kuko ng paa niya mabait na, & vice versa.
we empathize with villains in movies. hell, even thanos made sense. hero killer stain from bnha? i love that villain. pain from naruto? the best villain ever. gawin ko sanang example haikyuu!! since hq stan acct to pero wala namang villain doon lahat sila baby ko HAHAHA
pero back to the topic, what sets these villains apart from the other characters is the way. they. act. obviously, they're villains, so they're doing something wrong. does that mean that we're not capable of understanding why they became one?
does it make us less of a person, or demoralizes us when we choose to understand these complex characters? is it bad to be in awe of their ideals, thoughts, and goals, but still find the way they act on it as wrong?
i don't choose sides depending on who's the better bet, or who's the lesser evil. i just choose to understand. how sob felt during her marriage. why sean hid the truth from sob. why sancho did what he did (too many to mention).
again, for the last time, i criticize their actions. not the person. deontological ethics, ganon. i'm on sancho's "side" right now because i feel sorry for what he went through. i was on sob's "side" when she felt pressured into having a baby. i was on sean's "side" when he
was cheated on by the girl he loves the most. that's the beauty of rtg. it's not a matter of taking sides, kung sino ba ang mas tama o mas mali, kasi pare-pareho lang silang tao. may mga panahon lang talaga na sa kanilang tatlo, may mas nangangailangan ng simpatya. yun lang.
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