If Bill Maher had said what he said about Tara Reade about anyone else, every single progressive, feminist, and/ or survivor organization would have released a statement and organized a campaign demanding an apology or the cancelation of his show.
I'm not even remotely surprised that Maher said what he said. It's totally on brand for him. He doesn't support the #MeToo movement. The silence from these orgs is deafening. I'm not taking a position either way on what the response should be to Maher. What I'm saying is...
that the double standard is undeniable. It's so incredibly gross and transparent. And I honestly don't care what your position on Reade is. This is just rank hypocrisy. Again, I'm not even surprised about Maher. I guess I shouldn't even be surprised about any of this. The...
organizations and individuals who should be talking about this have already shown their true colors.
I'm not saying his show should be canceled. I'm saying that organizations that are silent on this would make that demand or at the very least demand an apology.
What's so funny and frustrating is that the idiots in my replies making this about Tara's credibility are missing the point. Even people who don't believe Reade or believe her and think Biden is much better than Trump would be offended by Maher's analysis. I actually prefer...
his honesty. He's making an argument which people may find distasteful and problematic. You can disagree or reject it but there's a coherence and logic to it because he doesn't accept a lot of the Me Too framing. His point is that an individual's "victimhood" shouldn't trump...
the collective good. That's the argument that MeToo people, regardless of their thoughts on Reade per se, would be upset about.
They would of course say this wasn't helping the greater or collective good.
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