I just want people know how damaging it is for Gaiman to be promoting these books, I've had people stumble into books by the same author because they wanted to understand me and my BPD and my trauma better

Every time they're convinced to start abusing me #bpdawarenessmonth
Cos contrary to popular rhetoric, folks with BPD are far FAR more likely to be the victims of abuse then the abusers (funnily enough how do you think we get traumatised in the first place? lol) we have enough trouble with people seeing us as easy to manipulate
So imagine how FUN it is to know there's also an author wanting to profit off people's intolerance of traumatised people? To turn our few allies against us? Wanting to validate people's feelings of never needing to accommodate their behaviour for marginalised people?
"Noo you weren't insensitive to this persons trauma! They're just high maintenance and you're the one walking on eggshells! Learn how to abandon and control their actions and thoughts completely with my new book 15.99 RSP

It's not gaslighting if you've paid me to learn about it"
I've seen people I've been in multiple year long relationships with, just turn on me in mere weeks after being exposed to this rhetoric, from listening to me like any neurotypical/nontraumatic person, to immediate gaslighting
Suddenly any non-typical behaviour, even if due to my autism and nowt to do with BPD, was met with extreme hostility. When I asked them to clarify something, I wasn't listening. When I had meltdowns I was told "Oh my god, no one else is like this!"
This even extended to my queerness, I came out as trans to this person who was previous super trans positive. But suddenly: "Calling you my partner is too much, you're asking so much of me, just let me call you boyfriend"
The message these texts promote is simple: We're all born evil so any adjustments we ask for are inherently unreasonable. Any show of emotion is just emotional manipulation. If we show any signs of trauma we need to be tamed and put back in our place.
My 'favourite' example of this is when I tripped on my shoelace during a meal out and they stole my phone from my pocket and called my friend in an panicked fury (who was obviously confused lol)
I'm lucky to have come out this with just more trauma, but other traumatised folks I know aren't so lucky, sometimes they are institutionalised as a result and that's if they manage to come out of the abuse alive.
This rhetoric kills and what is it for? To sell another book to people who want to feel better about abusing us, or even people who are hurting themselves and are just grasping for someone to blame.

I'm tired of having to fight this perception everyday
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